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Series K-580 - K-589

Crane conductor is used to smooth applying an electric power supply (power cable) to mobile lifting mechanisms, as well as a special attachment type equipment: electric hoists, overhead cranes, gantry, cantilever, crane girders of various types, and others.

The main trolley bridge crane consists of a service and repair stations. The mutual location of these sites in combination with the selected switching circuit apparatus determines crane trolleys. When you connect the crane-beam (bridge crane) and gantry cranes used crane trolley current lead (with rigid and flexible wires). Trolley conductors for power supply are placed along gantry rails. Open trolley wires made from rolled steel.

Crane conductive to the crane mounted on a metal bridge crane, crane insulators for beam or wall of a building. The difference in the trolley bus systems located outside or inside the building, is used in the properties of insulators. Current collector attached to special brackets, which are mounted on the metal bridge cranes.

Section's trolley K580-K589 are designed to perform live parts (trolleys), the main trolley lines feeding the overhead cranes.

Section K580 - K581 made of steel angle in accordance with GOST 8509-93. Section K582 - K589 made of steel angle and make-up of aluminum alloy tire AD31T1. Sections are stained in a distinctive red color except the contact surface.

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